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7- unordinary


"Dan? Dan, where are you?!" I hear Kyle shout, looking up from my feet. I go from a walk to a sprint, scared of what he might do or say.

Suddenly, I hear a loud flapping sound and a huge wind blows over me. Looking back in front of me, I see Kyle standing there, black wings spread out wide. I take a step back, placing my arms over my head. Peaking at his eyes, I notice that my reflection is gone, and his face fills with anger.

"DANIEL!" He yells.

"Kyle..." I say in a quiet tone. 

"Dan. I need to tell you something. Please, show yourself." Sighing, I try and think of myself reappearing, and I guess it worked because Kyle starts to talk once more, "Dan. I am taking you back." He tells me, softly, looking into my eyes.

"Where?!" I ask, getting frustrated, "The cabin! I don't want to go back to that hell hole, Kyle!"

He shakes his head, taking me into his arms, "Home." He whispers. Before I could question, his wings cover us as leaves fly around us, and above our heads.

Next thing I know, I am on the cold concrete, staring up at hundreds of faces as they sob over me.


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