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Cassie's *POV*



I sit up in bed, being woken up by screaming. I see Will and Kyle standing in front of the door, arguing. Dan stands in the middle, looking back and forth as they yell.

I throw the blankets off of me and pull Kyle and Will apart, "HEY! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?!" As I yell, I feel an extremely sharp pain in my neck. As I grip my hands around my neck, Dan runs towards me and grabs my arm.

"Cass..." He says in a warning tone. He turns to face Kyle and Will, his eyes growing dark, "Tell. Her." He says just as harshly. I am taken aback by Dan's tone, not knowing that he had this dark side to him.

Kyle and Will glare at each other. They then nod, and make a rectangle in the air. Soon enough, a mirror forms before me. A scream escapes my lips as my reflection stares back at me.

We warned you.

You don't deserve this much pity.

You and your boy toy are lucky we went easy on you.

Next time we see you two getting as close to holding hands, we will do much worse.


Especially to one of your buddies.

We must take a life to give a life.

The voices disappear. I start to scream again as one of the demon's voice echoes in my mind "we must take a life to give a life".

I stare at my reflection once more. There is a huge scar on my neck, "He saved you..." Dan whispers. The mirror fades and my eyes trail to Will and Kyle's worried faces.

"Wh-Who?" I ask, looking up at Dan. He helps me up then points to Kyle.

"Kyle gave you some of his immortal life and gave it to you so that he could heal you. The thing know is that you are from now on protected from the dangers and harmful way of the demons." I look at Will after he is done explaining, then look at Kyle. I now notice that Kyle's golden glow has faded to a dim simmer.

I run up to him, taking him in my arms, "Th-Thank you, Ky." I can hear him start to cry. We all know that I haven't called him that since we were ten. But...why were they arguing?

"They attacked over night." Dan says, "They kept you unconscious. They tied the three of us up, but then Kyle broke loose. Will and I kept them away from the two of you while he healed you." I look Dan up and down and notice the scars on his arms. They beat him up badly.

"B-But what was with the arguing?" Kyle and I let go of each other and the room grew to a deadly silence. Kyle looks out the window then disappears. A sigh comes from Dan. He walks over to his bed and sits.

"I-I'll explain later, Cassie," Will says in a hush tone, "Hurry and get ready. Your classes start today." He looks at Dan and I and then disappears.

- - - - - - - - - -

"Are you two ready?" Our main nurse, Beatrice, asks us as we walk out of the changing stalls.

"These outfits are rubbish." Dan tells Beatrice. She chuckles, shaking her head.

"Please, follow me." Dan and I nod and follow her down a long, narrow hall. I have to wear a white skirt that trails right below my knees. Dan insisted he wear jeans, so he currently wears white skinny jeans. The two of us both wear the same tops, a white short sleeve shirt with the asylum's logo, and over the shirt we have white hoodies with the logo on the left shoulder sleeve.

We leave the "schizophrenia hall", where Dan and I stay, and we begin to enter the "depression hall". Kids younger than us wander through the hall, scars on their arms and legs, and burn marks on their necks.

The sight leaves a horrible taste in my mouth. I look up at Dan to see his head ducked inside his hoodie. I can tell he doesn't like the scenery of the children, neither do I. Soon enough, we leave the hall and enter and empty hallway, the "class hall".

"Here you go," Beatrice says, stopping at the first door, "Here is your first class. Have fun." She nods and walks off back towards the hallway that Dan and I came from. As soon as I open the door everyone stares at Dan and I and start whispering.

"Aren't those the two that tried murdering each other?"

"I heard that they killed a patient."

Dan brings me close, wrapping his arm around me, and pulling me closer to him. We take a seat next to what looks like a girl and a boy from the depression hall. They stare at us and just smile.

"We know you didn't kill anyone." The girl whispers to us.

"Some of the bastards here like to gossip way too much." The boy says. All I can do in response is smile and a nod.

A man with light brown hair greets us, "Welcome. Could you two please stand up and introduce who you are and what quadrant or hall you are from. We will go clockwise from you two." Dan and I stand up. I decide to go first just to get this shit out of the way.

"My name is Cassie Harris and I am from the schizophrenia hall." I take a seat and look up at Dan.

"I'm Dan Smith and I am also from the schizophrenia hall." After Dan takes a seat, a girl with long curly brown hair giggles. That's it. I get to my feet and stride across the circle to her.

"Listen here, you little bitch. I don't care what fucking disability you have, but you should be treating us all the same! We are all here because we are all insane, now treat us like we are your equals!" I yell, inches away from her face.

"How can I when it is quiet obvious you have tried to murder each other and many others?" The girl sneers. I let out a loud scream and my hand greets her face with a hard smack, sending her falling onto the floor.

"Cass, that's enough." Dan wraps his arms around me from behind, holding me back.


"Asshole." Is the last thing that is said, by Dan, when we leave the room.

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