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9- demon


My reflection stares back at me through the mirror, my eyes turning from their normal blue color to all black. I have stayed here for at least two days and no one has come to check on me, not even Kyle. I have excepted one thing. I don't know how it is possible, but apparently it is.

I am a demon.

I have no feelings and I feel nothing. I don't feel sorrow or empathy for anyone or anything. I see something die, I laugh. Kyle changed me somehow and I don't like it one bit.

Next time I see him, I will take his fallen angel ass, and banish him to hell along with me.

I jump when suddenly, the front door busts open. Running over, I see a girl with pitch black hair, bright freckles, a leather jacket, black tank top, black jeans with rips, and black combat boots, "What do you want?" I ask, slightly scared.

The girl looks up at me, her eyes pitch black just like mine, then they fade to show her real eye, "I came for you, Daniel." She walks towards me, reaching out. Scared, I start backing away.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!" I ask, yelling, as I hit the wall.

The girl stops in front of me, staring me in the eyes, her red ones fading to black, "When you were dead, Kyle raised you out of hell, and brought you back to the time you died, but he didn't do it properly. Now, you are just a demon from hell,controlling and living in your dead body, preventing it from rotting."

I shake my head, not understanding, "No that can't be. I was here. A spirit."

The girl laughs, shaking her head in disagreement, "You were in hell, Daniel. In hell, Lucifer puts you in a place you wish not to be in. You were there for 40 years, but on Earth it was only four months."

"What?" I ask, tearing up.

She nods, "Come." Taking my wrist, she leads me out of the cabin.

I shake my head, pulling away, "Who the hell are you anyway?"

"Lucy. I am a demon and I am the daughter of Lucifer. He wants you dead. I am the disappointment of the family and the rebel, so, I took the mission of saving you. You can thank me later. For now we need to leave." I take her hand as we run out of the cabin and into the woods, right as I hear Kyle call my name.

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