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Dan's *POV*

When I wake up, I am greeted by bright light, white lab coats, and the same hideous room. I notice that I am strapped into the bed, again, and my body is still caked in blood and pain. I look over to see the nurses surrounding Cass. The two male doctors stand in the corner, whispering to each other.

"They are insane, Mike." One with dark, brown hair says to the bald one. The bald one, who I am guessing is Mike nods.

"Yes. They think there are demons haunting them."

"You watched the film, right?" Mike nods.

"Yes. Right when the boy started screaming, the video turned off. The girl talks to nothing. I think that we need to transfer to Plan B." The brown haired, younger doctor nods, and they walk over to me since they had noticed that I am awake.

"What do you want, you bloody bastards..." I snarl at them. They look at each other and exchange worried glances then look at their clipboards.

"Listen, erm, Dan Smith," Mike says, looking up at me then back down at the clipboard, "We have a new plan for the two of you. Apparently, we have tried moving you to different rooms, but it is as if there is a force between you. You two cannot be separated."

"So," The younger doctor starts, "We are going to fix you two up, and let you heal. Then starting next Monday, you will be going to a few classes, sort of counseling circle, so you can learn to control your....erm....problems." The doctor smirks as he says 'problems', making me sick, "You will be receiving your schedule on Sunday. Hope you feel better soon, Mr. Smith."

"Fine, whatever, just let Cassie go. It's my fault. I am the insane one...not her." This time, Mike smirks. He shakes his head and the two walk over to the nurses. They tell them that they need to leave the room. Everyone does, and soon enough, Cass and I are alone again.

She was put to sleep by laughing gas so that she could get stitches on her forehead and bottom lip. I had also gotten stitches but on my arms and stomach. A ton of stitches. I shake my head, still in disbelief that the demons haunting not only me, but the one I have fallen for.

"So I guess that this is the end of Bastille, eh?" I ask into the empty air, already knowing the answer. I sigh, trying to move, but it is impossible because of these straps, "At least do me a favor and cut me out of here." Will appears in front of me, but in his human form, not his maimed form.

"Hey, Dan." He says cheerful, giving me his stupid smirk. I stare at him as if he were crazy, then I notice that he has a glow to him.

"Why aren't you trying to kill me at the moment?" I ask, sort of scared. Will chuckles.

"Kill you? Now why on Earth would I do that?" He looks at me, his face falling, and eyes filling with hurt.

"You have got to be kidding me right now." I say, rolling my eyes. The air gets still for awhile, silence filling around us.

"Dan...I am so sorry. I now realize what you are going through. That isn't us, Dan. It hasn't been and it never will."

"William, I don't understand."

"You see, about a year ago when you started getting haunted, those demons were too weak and just black clouds of dust, until one night, they killed us, horribly, maiming us in the middle of the night. Once we were dead, they took our bodies. The three of us had to stand over, watching our lifeless bodies come to life, as the demons became stronger. We have tried to stop them, to save you, but they have taken things way too far. I am so sorry, Dan. We should have shown up earlier, we tried. It took us a year to learn how to show people ourselves, and be able to touch things without going through them."

"We are really sorry, Daniel..." Kyle and Woody appear behind Will, also with a small glow to them. Before I realize it, I am starting to cry. Well I know one thing, that explains the maimed looking bodies.

"Dan?" Kyle asks. I open my eyes and see him standing next to me, "Dan..." He cuts me out of my straps. I throw myself into my dead band mate's arms, crying into his shoulder.

"No, Kyle...I am sorry. I am so, so, so sorry..." I start to hiccup from how hard I am crying. Next thing I know, the three of them wrap their arms around me, all of us crying.


How pathetic.

The band is "back together".

How sweet.

If only we gotten to the girl.

Aww yes. That is much more sane.

"SANE?!" I yell into the room. Kyle, Will, and Woody jump back in confusion.

"What?" Woody asks."

Heh. You would think they would recognize us by now.

Ignorant fools.

"No..." Will whispers. The three back up as a huge mass of black clouds form in front of them, their human bodies standing there. The three black shadows stand in front of them, and start maiming their human bodies. Kyle closes his eyes, not wanting to watch his human form get maimed once more. Will faces the wall.

"NO! I AM NOT GOING TO WATCH THIS ALL OVER AGAIN!" Woody yells. He runs towards the demons, showing them how they were maimed. One demon turns back to face Woody. Suddenly, Woody stops, standing there. I hear him choke, blood starts to drip from his body. I hear the demon chuckle. He throws Woody on the floor, showing that he has just been stabbed, the wound trailing all the way down his body.

"Oh my god. WOODY!" I scream, tears falling onto his body. His breathing is horse and uneven. How can the dead die? "WOODY, NO NO NO. SPEAK TO ME." Kyle opens his eyes, screaming as he sees Woody lying on the floor, bleeding out. Will and Kyle run over to us and get down on their knees, the three of us circling around him. I grip his hand tight.

"Please....Please don't leave me again, Chris." Woody smiles at us, his breathing stopping, and his eyes turning grey and lifeless.

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